Southmoreland Primary Center (SPC)

  • Southmoreland Primary Center, located in Alverton, Pennsylvania, is a nurturing educational community serving the Southmoreland School District's kindergarten and 1st grade populations that embodies the core values of the district's vision statement: High Quality Learning For All. 

    At Southmoreland Primary Center (SPC), every aspect of the learning environment is thoughtfully conceived to foster a culture of excellence and to empower each student to reach his or her full potential. The teachers and staff of SPC embrace a student-centered approach, ensuring that the unique needs, abilities, and interests of every learner are valued and cultivated.

    The faculty at Southmoreland Primary Center are highly qualified and dedicated educators who are passionate about creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences. They employ innovative teaching strategies (e.g. Enhanced Core Reading Instruction routines developed from and based on the latest science of reading research) and leverage the latest educational technologies (e.g. Vibe Boards) to inspire a love for learning in their students. With a commitment to ongoing professional development, the teachers at Southmoreland Primary Center stay abreast of the latest research and best practices, constantly refining their instructional methods to meet the evolving needs of our unique student population.  As an example, the school provides a guaranteed and viable curriculum in reading skill acquisition that is supported by the execution of Enhanced Core Reading Instruction routines carried out daily and with fidelity.

    The curriculum at Southmoreland Primary Center is thoughtfully designed to provide a comprehensive and rigorous education for all students. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, including reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. The school places a strong emphasis on creating the requisite foundational skills in reading, language arts and math, in addition to developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

    In line with the vision statement, Southmoreland Primary Center ensures that high-quality learning opportunities are accessible to all students, regardless of their background or abilities. The principles of Universal Design for Learning (multiple means of engagement; multiple means of representation; multiple means of action/expression) and the UDL idea of firm learning goals through flexible means of acquisition are embraced and incorporated into the instructional day. The school recognizes and celebrates the uniqueness of each child and embraces inclusivity, creating an environment where diversity is valued and respected. Special education programs and support services are available to meet the individual needs of students with diverse learning styles and exceptionalities, ensuring that no child is left behind.

    Beyond academic excellence, Southmoreland Primary Center places great importance on the holistic development of its students. The school promotes character education, fostering values such as respect, responsibility, kindness, integrity, and empathy. Students are recognized for these values through monthly Super Scottie awards.

    Southmoreland Primary Center also believes in forging strong partnerships with families and the wider community. Recognizing the crucial role parents and guardians play in a child's education, the school actively involves families in the learning process through open communication, parent-teacher conferences, and school-based events such as kindergarten registration; kindergarten screening; and kindergarten orientation. Additionally, the school collaborates with community organizations and businesses to provide enriching experiences and real-world connections for its students.  The annual Career Day is a hallmark of our efforts related to bringing families and businesses into the school to educate our young students on the diverse employment opportunities that exist in the neighboring communities.

    In conclusion, Southmoreland Primary Center exemplifies its vision statement of "High Quality Learning For All" by cultivating an inclusive, engaging, and enriching educational environment. Through its dedicated faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and strong community partnerships, the school empowers students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and compassionate contributors to society.